About Anti-Doping Sweden

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Anti-Doping Sweden is the Swedish National Anti-Doping Organization (NADO). If you want to learn more about the organizational conditions in relation to the national and international anti-doping program, you will find more information under the heading Organization.

Vision and mission

ADSE's vision is sports training and competition free from doping.

ADSE's mission is to defend the obvious right of all athletes to participate in a sport free from doping.

To achieve the ADSE vision, the fight against doping is executed by various means at all levels of sport. This requires active efforts from SF's, the RF-SISU, including their District Organizations, and local sport Clubs.

Anti-Doping Sweden leads, coordinates and develops the national anti-doping program in accordance with the World Anti-Doping Code.

The Swedish Anti-Doping Program

The Swedish anti-doping program contains the following areas of activity:

Doping Controls

Our doping controls shall be characterized by a high legal security and have a deterrent and detective effect. Doping controls shall be conducted with no advance notice, mainly on junior and senior elite athletes. Lower-level athletes and general exercisers may, however, also be tested. Since 1981, more than 100,000 doping samples have been collected in sports in Sweden. Between 3,500 and 4,000 samples are taken annually. The control program is based on a comprehensive risk assessment of the various sports, which results in an annual strategic plan for the distribution of doping controls and analyzes.

ADSE also provides a doping control service, where we perform doping controls at international competitions in Sweden on request. Sport Federations and Clubs may also order doping controls as a complement to ADSE control program.


To reveal the real cheaters and organized doping cheating, it is not enough with just traditional doping controls. Since the requirement for investigative activities was introduced in the World Anti-Doping Code in 2015, we have gradually increased competence and resources in the area. Through systematic collection, compilation and analysis of information from open sources and from tips, intelligence is created that can lead to an investigation being started. Collected data can also lead to closer attention being paid to a particular athlete, a sports club or a training facility. The investigative work also includes establishing contacts with law enforcement authorities.

The latest addition to the investigation activities is a web-based tips function, dopingtips.se, where anyone can anonymously submit tips on doping activities in sports. Another new activity is the trial operation with Molly, the world's only doping search dog within the framework of an anti-doping organization.

Legal business

The legal activities are, among other things, about ensuring that the World Anti-Doping Code and international standards are complied with. This means revising rules, if necessary, and updating the List of Prohibited Substances and Methods every year. According to the rules, we also have an obligation to manage application for therapeutic use exemptions in a legally secure manner, perform results management in the event of a potential doping offense and officially announce the outcome of each case after the results management procedures.

Anti-Doping Sweden (ADSE) reports suspected doping offenses to the Doping Panel (DoN), which is the first sentencing body. Thereafter, it is possible to appeal to the Supreme Sports Tribunal (RIN). Medical exemptions are handled by the Therapeutic Use Exemption Committee, which is appointed by the ADSE Executive Board.

Education and communication

Anti-Doping Sweden (ADSE) upholds an information service primarily for RF's affiliates and their clubs, but also for other stakeholders, the media, and the general public.

ADSE is responsible for the basic and further annual training of doping control officers. To stimulate anti-doping activities on all levels the Anti-Doping also offers education to anti-doping officers within SF and RF / SISU districts and other key persons. ADSE also develop, produces, and disseminates information material as well as training programs and tools aimed directly at sports clubs, sports leaders, and athletes.

Research and development

Anti-Doping Sweden (ADSE) constantly evaluate and further develop the working methods used in the anti-doping program. Various research and development initiatives are initiated and implemented to increase knowledge about doping and methods to prevent, reduce and detect doping. ADSE also monitor the state of research and work to ensure that funding is available for such research.

International and national cooperation

Doping in sports is an international problem that requires international solutions and broad collaboration. Anti-Doping Sweden (ADSE) is a member of iNADO (The Institute of National Anti-Doping Organizations), an international association of national and regional anti-doping organizations. Within iNADO, training and seminars are arranged to create information exchange, highlight good examples, and work together to better harmonize anti-doping activities worldwide. Through iNADO, National Anti-Doping Organizations (NADO) can speak with one voice.

ADSE, together with the government, are also part of the IADA (International Anti-Doping Agreement), a multilateral agreement between the world's leading nations in the field of anti-doping. We also participate in other specialist and collaboration groups. For several decades, there has been a strong Nordic co-operation and exchange, where the Nordic countries in many aspects have been pioneers internationally. At a national level, we collaborate with organizations and authorities to strategically work against the spread and use of doping substances.

Quality Management

To meet the requirements of the World Anti-Doping Code and the expectations of athletes and other stakeholders for a doping-free sport, Anti-Doping Sweden (ADSE) works systematically to reduce anomalies and constantly improve our operations. The ADSE quality management system, which includes the processes and working methods, has been ISO-certified since 2002. The certification covers both the control activities, the regulations, and the anti-doping organization.

ADSE works purposefully with external monitoring, risk management, non-conformance management and customer complaints. The quality management system undergoes continuous internal and external audits to guarantee the quality of our services.

If you have views on ADSE's business or want to submit a complaint, you are welcome to contact us at info@antidoping.se.

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Business plan

Are you curious about what we're up to? Take a look at the official business plan, which is available in Swedish and can be found in the document and media archive.

Annual report

If you want to know what happened during the last year, you can read the annual report (in Swedish), which is available in the document and media archive. Note: Since Anti-Doping Sweden (ADSE) is a new organization from January 1, 2021, you will be referred to the annual reports of the previous organization within the Swedish Sports Confederation (RF), Swedish Anti-Doping.


You may find historical statistics about doping controls and anti-doping rule violations here.

Do you want to get in touch with us?

You will find our contact information here.
